The New Zoom Meeting

Workplace + Vehicle Design


This project reimagines what the workplace of the future could look like based on research and trends of the modern day worker and office. It takes the needs of working people and consolidates it into a vehicle and space that will maximize the efficiency for its occupants. 

Rhino | Vray | AutoCAD | Photoshop | Illustrator

Gonut Final Presentation 1.png
Gonut Final Presentation2.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation 5.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation 6.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation7.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation 9.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation10.jpg
Gonut Final Presentation 3.png
Gonut Final Presentation 4.png
Gonut Final Presentation 11.png
Gonut Final Presentation 12.png